Basic information about the SICAV fund

OPC Real Estate Fund SICAV, a.s is fund of qualified investors and invests primarily in discount retail real estate in the Slovakia, Czech republic and other CEE countries.

Number of properties
(4 in the acquisitions process)
0 mil. €
leasable area
(13 597 m² in the acquisition process)
0 years
value of properties
(29 367 mil. € in the acquisitions process)
0 mil. €
vaccancy rate
0 %

Strategy of the fund

OPC Retail Real Estate specializes in investing in high-yield commercial properties in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with plans for future expansion throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Our primary target is regional discount retail parks featuring predominantly supermarkets and grocery stores. One key strength we offer is our extensive expertise in retail park and shopping center development, allowing us to seamlessly integrate development projects with the acquisition of established income-generating retail parks. Established in 2008, OPC Group leverages the founders’ collective background in real estate development, banking, law, and property management to drive our success in the real estate market.

Performace of the investment share

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Share yields for Class C shares (EUR growth)

9,44 %


9,44 %


9,44 %


9,44 %


Overview of core data

Name of the fund

OPC Real Estate Fund SICAV, a.s.


212 99 242

Legal form

Akciová spoločnosť

Subject of activity

Activity of the investment fund of qualified investors in accordance with sec. 95 paragraph letter a) of Act no. 240/2013 Coll. about investment companies and investment funds.

Name of the underfund

OPC Retail Real Estate

Investment Strategy

OPC Retail Real Estate specializes in investing in high-yield commercial properties in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with plans for future expansion throughout
Central and Eastern Europe.

Our primary target is regional discount retail parks featuring predominantly supermarkets and grocery stores. One key strength we offer is our extensive expertise in retail park and shopping center development, allowing us to seamlessly integrate development projects with the acquisition of
established income-generating retail parks.

Target yield

8 %

Investment horizon

min. 5 years


min. 1 000 000 €


EUR [€]


CZ 0008 0531 39

Subscription fee

up to 3%

Redemption Prior Notice Period

36 months prior to a redemption day.

Entrance fee

0 – 3%

Management fee

2 %

Performance fee

Above 8% = 40% – Fund management / 60%, Investor, Principle of High Watermark

NAV update


Determining Fund performance

quarterly at 31.3., 30.6., 30.9., 31.12.

Manager of the fund

TILLER, investičný společnosť a.s


Versute investiční společnost, a.s., IČO: 087 87 131


Česká spořitelna, a.s., IČO: 452 44 782


Kreston Audit FIN, s.r.o., IČO: 421 96 949


Conseq Investment Management, a.s.

Supervisory Authority

Česká národní banka

Become part of the fund

Miroslav Tavel OPCRE
We invest our own equity alongside equity from investors in projects we have successfully been executing for over 15 years. Together, we are building a portfolio of sustainable assets that will allow us to grow on a solid foundation. Our approach is grounded in an understanding of the factors that influence value, including the dynamics of local markets and the specific characteristics of each property. The tangible nature of our assets offers stability and value in uncertain macroeconomic environments.

Miroslav Tavel

Managing partner

Contact form

Fund [ENG]
or you cal simply call us: +421 907 639 496

FAQ / How it all works

You can simply call us on the number above or send an email contact form.

Investing in retail parks in the CEE region is highly attractive due to significant economic growth, rising disposable income, underdeveloped market potential, rapid urbanization, improved infrastructure, evolving consumer preferences, strong market confidence showcased by the increasing presence of international and local retail chains. higher yields, government incentives, geographic diversification, and the region’s strategic location between Western Europe and Asia.

You can invest by choosing the right investment share class for your strategy from our portfolio of share classes.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us. We are at you disposal.

After you became an investor in our fund we will automaticly add you to our parrtners list and you will recieve an precc release about our performance and news in the fund.

Also you do not have to be an investor to get those infomration, you can simply contact us through out contact form and will will add you to our partners list.

Portfolio of buildings